It's hard to know what to write here at the minute because I'm still on uni holidays and am pretty much deprived of all human contact apart from my family, so I thought that in this entry I'd just start writing and see what came out....hence this post should be an awful collection of the inner scrapings of my thoughts lol.
The other day a thought suddenly struck me. From an evolutionary point of view, how did genders evolve and why are there only two? I know that the reason for having more than one set of genes come together to create an organism means that there is greater genetic variance and therefore less vulnerability to genetic conditions and diseases but surely if more than one gender had evolved, and all genders were necessary to create offspring this would make a more genetically varied individual, which would surely be better for all. I also started to wonder how the whole idea of two genders evolved in the first place, because the earliest organisms would have reproduced by simply dividing and cloning themselves, so where upon the line did this deviate to become two people coming together to make offspring?
Then the immature part of me started wondering if there were evolutionary stages that came with creating the genitals.....though realistically it is an interesting thought. Was there a point were the women with deeper vajayjays had an evolutionary advantage? The men with the bigger penises? Does this mean that as we evolve they're getting bigger? Furthermore, if it was an attractive thing, does this mean women are evolved to have bigger breasts? More symmetric Faces? Why did men evolve beards? Are beards intrinsically and instinctually more attractive to women.....hmm perhaps I'll grow a beard.
Then my mind moved on to the more social implications of what it would be like if it only took one person to make a child, or if it took four or five genders. It's hard to imagine how different a society we'd be in either of these situations.
If it only took one person to make a child then the child would most likely be a genetic clone of its parent. There would be no such thing as romance, marraige, divorce, sex and anything that involves interaction with the opposite sex. There would only be platonic love and companionship. It would also take out one of the biggest motivating factors for crime which is sex.....because there's no point in performing a crime in order to do something that you're not even capable of...but there would be no feelings of lust leading to this crime anyway. What would happen if someone had multiple offspring? They would all be completely identical.....there would be generation upon generation fo the exact same people over and over again...and if a disease came along that one person was particularly prone to, their whole family could catch the disease and die. In some ways it could be argued that this is an accelerated form of Darwinism, and I suppose essentially eventually one particular set of chromosomes would arise the victor, and the world would be completely populated by what is essentially (genetically) the same person over and over again. Then if the disease came that wiped out this particular gene pool then it's bye bye humans. Food for thought.
Then the flipside; What if it took (for the sake of argument) four genders to come together to make a child. Would this mean that all the options and priveleges extendable to couples nowadays would have to be made available to fours? Four-way Marriages.........could be an interesting concept. The concept of sexuality would be completely revolutionised. "Tri-sexual" would have to become the norm, as one individual would have to be attracted to the other three in order to make a child, and it would therefore be abnormal to be attracted to just one gender...which is a bit ironic because in this world it's considered "normal" to be attracted to one sex, yet "freakish" if attracted to more than one. Would there be organised religion, and would it condemn this sort of monosexuality, telling people that they must be involved in 4-way relationships? Would people try to cure this monosexuality? It would certainly be a very different sexual landscape. This also applies to sex.....what if one of the four wasn't in the mood, would they feel pressure because of the other three? Would it be possible for only two of them to have sex? Would they all do it at once or would the sex cells pass between the genders?....the possibilities are endless... take a second to amuse yourself thinking of how it would work.....
And then take another second to amuse yourself wondering what the other gender's genitals would look like lol. You were thinking it.....
Well I hope this has provided an even greater insight to my very warped mind and I hope it's at least invoked some form of reflection in you wondering about whether or not the current system is the best, or indeed where (socially and evolutionarily) the current system arose from.
And if not, I hope you had a laugh thinking of strange sex between strange genders and strange genitals.
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